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 Dear Voters,

For more than 50 years, Suwannee County has been my home, a place where my wife and children have grown up.  I've devoted my entire adult life to making Suwannee County a safe place for all of us, and I'm committed to preserving this for future generations.  


Promises Kept:

Over the past eight years, my team has worked to build strong relationships within Suwannee County while ensuring our presence is supportive rather than overbearing.

We have dramatically expanded our community outreach programs, such as the Police Athletic League (P.A.L.) and re-introducing the D.A.R.E. program in Suwannee County Schools. 

We have helped with countless fundraisers for both Suwannee and Branford Athletics, Suwannee and Branford F.F.A., as well as many families who were facing hardships.

When it comes to fiscal responsibility, I am proud to say that under my leadership, the Sheriff's Office has consistently stayed within its budget.   


War On Drugs:

I have adapted an aggressive stance against drug-related crimes in Suwannee County. Our approach, however, is not just a vision but a current, active reality with proven results.

We are a key member of the regional North Star Drug Task Force, which includes members from 13 counties. This task force collaborates with local, state, and federal agencies, and has been pivotal in our aggressive steps to eradicate drugs across the region. Despite the City of Live Oak not once reaching out for assistance during my tenure, our proactive efforts have led to multiple arrests within the city to mitigate drug threats, demonstrating my commitment to combating drug issues at every level, and jurisdiction.

The seizure of drugs, money, and property is a standard procedure nationally and is already a well-established practice under my administration. My deputies and narcotics investigators have made numerous significant seizures, contributing to disrupting the drug trade in our county. This is not a groundbreaking initiative as suggested; it is a fundamental and routine part of law enforcement's role in combating drug-related activities.

While I sympathize with the struggles of drug addicts and their families, and understand the devastation addiction can cause, my philosophy and that of my office is that the primary role of law enforcement is to enforce the laws as written. It is not within our purview to manage drug rehabilitation; that responsibility lies with the judicial system, which can mandate rehabilitation as part of sentencing. True rehabilitation requires a personal commitment to recovery, something that cannot be compelled by law enforcement alone.


Safe Streets - Safe Community:

Our current approach to traffic management and safety is both effective and fiscally responsible. We have 28 deputies in our Patrol Division, covering Suwannee County 24/7, effectively addressing traffic and other public safety concerns. Additionally, we have two full-time deputies whose primary responsibility is to target specific areas of traffic concern. This specialization allows us to address areas most in need without the substantial cost of expanding staff unnecessarily.

We also utilize advanced technology to enhance our traffic management capabilities. Our deployment of 'speed trailers' not only serves as a visual reminder to drivers to check their speed but also collects vital traffic data. This data helps us verify the validity of speeding complaints and tailor our enforcement strategies based on actual needs rather than perceived issues.

Moreover, during the summer months when school is out, we reassign our School Resource Deputies to patrol county-owned springs, such as Little River and Royal Springs. This strategic move has dramatically improved the family-friendly environment at these locations, enhancing safety and community enjoyment at no additional cost to the taxpayers. This initiative represents another fantastic partnership with Suwannee Parks and Recreation, demonstrating our commitment to community safety and fiscal responsibility.

Our waterway patrol capabilities are robust, reflecting the unique geographical features of Suwannee County, which is surrounded on three sides by rivers. While the primary responsibility for patrolling and enforcing law on the river lies with the Florida Wildlife Commission (FWC), we actively complement their efforts. We have two boats, including one specially designed for navigating very shallow waters—crucial for rescuing people during the flooding that often impacts our area. This shallow water boat was acquired at no cost to the Suwannee County taxpayer, through the Florida Sheriff's Association 'shared asset' program, showcasing our ability to enhance public safety resources without additional financial burden to our community.

My opponent’s proposals for a 24/7 Traffic STOP team and a dedicated 'River Rat' team to address waterway issues sound proactive but come with significant financial implications. He suggests adding 13 full-time positions, which, off the cuff, would mean an increase in the Sheriff’s Office budget by an estimated $3 million.  It's essential for voters to understand how such expansions will be funded and the impact on our county’s finances.

My approach ensures that we maintain safety without imposing undue financial burdens on taxpayers.  I am committed to using our resources wisely, focusing on effective solutions that address real problems and provide tangible benefits to our residents.


Enhancing Law Enforcement Capabilities:

Recently, the Suwannee County Sheriff’s Office partnered with the Suwannee County School District in a cost-sharing arrangement to provide a certified intelligence analyst. This analyst plays a crucial role in monitoring current crime trends on a national, regional, and local level, helping our team stay ahead of potential threats. They are also part of the School District's threat assessment team, ensuring we are informed of any risks that may impact our community.

Additionally, this analyst was instrumental in collaborating with the Suwannee County Sheriff's Office Division of Emergency Management during Hurricane Idalia. Their work in gathering essential information was vital for Suwannee County's financial recovery through the Florida Division of Emergency Management.

Our comprehensive approach, which includes leveraging technology, community partnerships, and expert analysis, has been crucial in reducing crime and enhancing public safety. This strategy ensures that we are not only reactive but also proactive, preventing crimes before they occur and maintaining a safe environment for all residents in Suwannee County.


Employee Wellness Program:

I'm pleased to share that we have already taken significant steps to ensure the well-being of our team and their families.

Two years ago, we implemented the LifeScan health screenings for all of our employees.  These comprehensive medical evaluations provide invaluable health status assessments, ensuring my employees are physically and mentally fit for duty.

The LifeScan program identifies potential health risks.  Through these LifeScans, several of our employees have discovered significant medical diagnoses early, despite experiencing no symptoms.  These early detections allowed for timely treatment without complications.  Without the LifeScans, these issues might not have been discovered until it was potentially too late and had further spread.  The LifeScan medical examinations include cancer and heart disease screenings through ultrasound technology, offering early detection and prevention.

We also prioritize our employees' mental health.  In 2023, we rolled out an Employee Assistance Program that provides 24/7 access to confidential mental health services for all of my employees and their families.  I firmly believe that taking care of our mental and physical health is just as vital as any other aspect of our duties.

My ongoing commitment to health and wellness proves that we are already dedicated to these important aspects, ensuring that my team and their families are well-supported and resilient.


Performance-Based Advancement and Recruitment:

My Opponent’s focus on hiring and advancement practices echoes the standards I’ve upheld throughout my tenure as your Sheriff.

My hiring and promotion decisions are strictly based on merit, professionalism, and the ability to serve Suwannee County effectively.  I am committed to recruiting a workforce that reflects the diversity and values of Suwannee County, ensuring that my team is not only representative but also the best and brightest.

Furthermore, we have about six employees who regularly teach at the law enforcement academy at North Florida College, proudly representing the Suwannee County Sheriff's Office.

Not only are they instructing, they also actively recruit the most promising new recruits.

Additionally, our participation in the Law Enforcement Apprentice Program demonstrates my dedication helping those who are interested in a career in law enforcement, who might not afford training to become certified and serve our community, providing they commit to working with us after graduation.

It's important that our residents know that the standards I have already applied, are designed to ensure the highest levels of competency and fairness.

This is not just a campaign promise— it is my established practice, proven over years of dedicated service.


Accreditation and Deputy Training:

Under my leadership, the Suwannee County Jail has maintained its Florida Corrections Accreditation Commission accreditation that was first obtained in 2004.

Additionally, we have begun the process of accrediting our law enforcement division with the assistance and partnership of the Florida Sheriff's Association.  This step will further strengthen my commitment to providing the highest standards of law enforcement to the citizens of Suwannee County.

In terms of training, we currently utilize one of the industry's best online training platforms, PoliceOne, which offers over 400 online courses on a variety of subjects. We also take advantage of Trust Fund-paid courses at both North Florida College and Florida Gateway College. I personally urge all of my employees to seek out and take specialized training courses to make them well-rounded in their respective roles.

We have also been blessed to receive numerous grants, thanks to the Florida Legislature's priority to assist fiscally constrained counties like ours. These funding opportunities have helped us keep our salaries competitive, allowed for the purchase of bullet-resistant vests, make technology improvements, funded our School Guardian Program, and updated our unmanned aerial systems.

This is a clear indication that we are already at the forefront of implementing practices that others are only now considering.

Under my leadership, along with our management Team,  the Suwannee County Sheriff's Office has demonstrated a commitment to high standards through the continuous accreditation of the Suwannee County Jail.  

Additionally, we have begun the process of accrediting our law enforcement division with the assistance and partnership of the Florida Sheriff's Association.  This step will further strengthen my commitment to providing the highest standards of law enforcement to the citizens of Suwannee County.

In addition to our long-standing jail accreditation, we have begun the process of accrediting our law enforcement division with the assistance and partnership of the Florida Sheriff's Association.  This step will further strengthen my commitment to providing the highest standards of law enforcement to the citizens of Suwannee County.

It is noteworthy that while my opponent, Jason Rountree, is promising to pursue accreditation for the Suwannee County Sheriff's Office citing its apparent need, the Live Oak Police Department, where he is currently in a leadership role as a captain, is not an accredited agency.

This raises important questions about the execution of such promises and the standards of leadership and oversight he has been a part of.


Fiscal Responsibility and Financial Stewardship:

Financial stewardship is a cornerstone of my Suwannee County Sheriff's Office administration.

I am fully committed to ensuring that every dime of taxpayer money is managed with the utmost responsibility.

Under my leadership, we have adhered to stringent budgetary practices and consistently demonstrated fiscal responsibility, successfully passing every annual financial audit conducted by an outside accounting firm.

In fact, during my tenure, I have returned unspent funds back to the Suwannee County Board of County Commissioners.  This act of returning funds is a testament to our efficient use of resources and our commitment to serving the community's best interests, not just spending to the limits of our budget.


Responsible Animal Control Program:

In Suwannee County, we've strengthened our animal control program in partnership with the County Commissioners. We've expanded our kennel capacity and upgraded our facilities, improving care for animals waiting for adoption. We enforce all animal welfare laws strictly and work closely with non-profit organizations and volunteers to ensure animals find homes.

Our approach emphasizes community involvement and responsible management of animal overpopulation. Through ongoing partnerships, we help create a supportive environment for animal welfare, demonstrating our commitment to making Suwannee County a compassionate and safe community for all.


Community Partnerships and Relationships with Law Enforcement Agencies:

We actively participate in the Florida Sheriff’s Association statewide mutual aid program, which enhances our ability to collaborate closely with other Sheriff’s Offices throughout the state of Florida.  This was recently demonstrated during our response to Hurricane Idalia, when through this partnership, we were able to have additional law enforcement and other resources on the ground, in Suwannee County, within hours of us being impacted.  

Additionally, our involvement in the Northstar Drug Task Force reinforces our commitment to combating regional challenges together.


Community Education:

We have actively collaborated with local churches to assess and train key individuals to defend against potential threats.

Additionally, we have certified local volunteers under our CERT program, who are prepared to assist in emergencies. These initiatives enhance the safety and security of our community, including providing an extra layer of protection for our children in the Suwannee County School system.

My team and I also regularly engaged with community organizations, civic clubs, homeschool groups, and churches, speaking on various topics such as home safety, church safety plans, and protecting oneself from fraud and scams.

This outreach is part of our commitment to empowering our citizens with knowledge and resources to stay safe.


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